Fresh Fish Recipes
- One pair Arbroath Smokies, boned, skinned and flaked
- 12 basic French crepes
- 1/2 onion
- 1/2 ounce butter
- 1 cup Vermouth
- 1/2 pint bechamel sauce
- 1/4 pint cream
- 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
- pinch parsley
- Melt the butter, add and sweat the finely diced onion. Pour off all the butter, add the Vermouth and reduce by half.
- Add the bechamel, parsley and lemon juice. Cook for two minutes and then add the cream.
- Add the flaked Arbroath Smokies to the sauce.
- Fill theĀ centreĀ of the crepes with the smokie mixture and roll into cigar shapes. Serve with saffron rice and garnish